Sweetwater Rock Camp is the real deal. It is a chance for your talented kid to hone their skills, meet other young musicians just like them, and learn how to play in a band. They’ll come home with a new appreciation for teamwork, a deeper knowledge of music, a copy of the song they write and record at Sweetwater Studios, and a video of their live performance.

We know you probably have a bunch of questions. Hopefully, we can answer the major ones here . . .


Before you register

  • What is Rock Camp?

    In short, Rock Camp is your child’s chance to learn firsthand what it’s like to be in a real rock ’n’ roll band.

    Held on Sweetwater’s campus, Rock Camp is a five-day workshop where young musicians hone their skills, meet other young musicians, and learn from professional instructors as they:

    • Form a band with other young musicians
    • Write and arrange an original song
    • Learn cover versions of popular rock ’n’ roll songs
    • Record in Sweetwater’s professional recording studios
    • Perform in a concert in one of Sweetwater’s state-of-the-art performance venues

    Sweetwater’s Rock Camp is a unique experience packed with practical instruction, the opportunity for lasting friendships, and the chance to be in a performing band. Many of Northeast Indiana’s up-and-coming bands are Rock Camp graduates.

  • Who is Rock Camp for?

    Students ages 12–18 years old that are intermediate to advanced on their instrument!

  • What is included in the cost of Rock Camp?

    The camp fee covers five days of professional instruction, breakout sessions with subject matter experts, a recording session in a professional studio, digital copies of their professionally mixed song, a video of their live performance, lunch every day, dinner on Friday, a Rock Camp T-shirt, and other cool stuff.

  • Where is Rock Camp held?

    Rock Camp is held at the Sweetwater campus in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We have midsize and large practice rooms, as well as state-of-the-art performance venues and recording studios. We also have a diner, café, free arcade, and Music Store.

  • What level of skill is required to attend?

    Much of Rock Camp is focused on band-related activities, so it’s important that campers are beyond the beginner stage. Below are a few skills a camper should possess prior to coming to Rock Camp.

    • Guitar players should be able to play bar chords, 12-bar blues, and the pentatonic scale in multiple keys. They should also be able to play through full songs and learn songs relatively quickly.
    • Bass players should know the note names of each string up and down the fretboard and how to play in time with the drummer. They should also be able to play through full songs and learn songs relatively quickly.
    • Drummers should be able to keep a steady beat, play in time, and understand dynamics. They should also be able to play through full songs and learn songs relatively quickly.
    • Keyboardists should feel comfortable playing chord progressions. They should also be able to play through full songs and learn songs relatively quickly.
    • Singers should be able to sing lead vocals and harmonies in tune, memorize lyrics for full songs, and feel comfortable fronting a band. (i.e., being center stage for the live performance).

    If you are still unsure whether Rock Camp is right for your child/student, then please call us. We are happy to talk and help you decide what is best for your child/student.

  • Does each student need to be able to read music?

    While it is not required that your child read sheet music, campers should be able to read a chord chart or lead sheet.

  • Can my child/student be in the same band as their friend/sibling?

    Rock Camp is a great opportunity for campers to meet new people and build new connections! While you certainly can make note of a special request, we cannot guarantee that the request will be accommodated.

  • How do the bands get formed?

    Rock Camp staff place musicians in bands based primarily on skill level, age, and taste in music.

  • Will my camper get to play the genre of their choice?

    We get a wide range of interests each week at camp, so a specific genre request may not be accommodated, but we certainly try our best! We recommend that campers be open-minded when they arrive on Monday. Rock Camp is a great opportunity to try out different music styles and expand on their skills!

  • Who makes up the Rock Camp staff?

    Rock Camp is run by the Sweetwater Academy of Music & Technology staff and instructors. Our instructors are top-level local musicians and educators, each with many years of experience performing and teaching. Breakout sessions are led by Sweetwater employees, Academy instructors, or agents who are subject matter experts in their respective areas.

  • Are overnight accommodations available?

    Sweetwater has arranged for special Rock Camp rates at a variety of Fort Wayne hotels. Please reach out to academy@sweetwater.com for a list of these hotels.

  • Does my camper need to attend the entire camp?

    Yes, we do ask that campers be present for the entirety of the week. This will ensure the campers, and their band mates, have the best experience and are well prepared for their concert on Friday evening.


  • What is the daily schedule?

    Rock Camp runs Monday through Friday. Each day begins promptly at 10AM, and Monday through Thursday ends at 4PM.
    Days are packed with lots of instructor-led band practice.
    A typical Monday-through-Thursday schedule looks like this:

    • Band rehearsal with instructor
    • Lunch (provided)
    • Breakout session
    • Band rehearsal with instructor

    Fridays include recording studio time, lunch (provided), soundchecks, games/activities, giveaways, album cover reveal, dinner (provided), and the live concert. We strongly encourage parents, friends, family, the next-door neighbors, and the paperboy to attend the FREE concert. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the transformation campers undergo between Monday and Friday. This will not be a show you want to miss.

  • What time and location is the Friday concert?

    Doors open at 5:30pm and the concert starts at 6pm. It typically lasts around an hour and a half. The location will be communicated to campers on Monday.
    **Should there be any venue changes after Monday, we will communicate those via email.

  • How do the bands get formed?

    Rock Camp staff place musicians in bands based primarily on skill level, age, and taste in music.

  • Will my camper get to play the genre of their choice?

    We get a wide range of interests each week at camp, so a specific genre request may not be accommodated, but we certainly try our best! We recommend that campers be open-minded when they arrive on Monday. Rock Camp is a great opportunity to try out different music styles and expand on their skills!

  • Are there private lessons during Rock Camp?

    We do not schedule individual lessons as a part of Rock Camp. However, our instructors will work with campers individually as needed in order to master the songs they are working on. Our breakout sessions will also focus on helping each camper hone the skills specific to their instruments. If you’d like to schedule lessons in addition to camp, let us know! We’d be happy to help get your camper into lessons during their week of camp.

  • What should campers bring to camp each day?

    We provide each camper with a name tag on day one and we ask that they bring that with them each day of camp!

    In addition to the name tag they receive on Monday:

    • Drummers should bring their sticks (and extras). We’ll provide the drum kits.
    • We’ll provide keyboardists with keyboards and pedals.
    • Guitar and bass players should bring their instruments, straps, and tuners.
    • Horns players should bring their instruments and straps.
    • We’ll provide microphones and stands for singers.

    ** Your camper will want to practice at home after camp, so if they do not have access to their instrument at home (a keyboard or drum kit), let us know so we can work on a plan for you!

  • Does my child need to bring lunch?

    No. Lunch is provided by Sweetwater’s Downbeat Diner and is included in the camp fee. The campers are welcome to purchase additional food from the diner and Crescendo Café with their own funds.

  • Where should I take my camper each day?

    Campers should enter the main Sweetwater entrance. On the first day of camp, members of the Rock Camp team will be there to greet you and guide your camper to the right place.

  • Do you have before- and/or after-camp care?

    There is no supervision provided outside the Rock Camp hours and we do require a guardian be present with anyone under the age of 16 if they are spending time in the building before or after camp for an extended time.

  • Are parents/caretakers allowed to stay and watch Rock Camp?

    While we appreciate supportive parents and friends, we prefer to keep Rock Camp sessions private. This way, each camper can focus on learning new skills and practicing with their bandmates and instructors. Parents/caretakers are encouraged to attend the welcome session on Monday morning from 10AM to 10:15AM. We will introduce the instructors and camp staff and give an overview of the week ahead.

  • In the event of an emergency, who do we contact?

    Rock Camp staff can be reached by phone at 260-407-3833 or by email at Academy@sweetwater.com, which will also be provided to parents/caretakers and campers upon check-in.


  • When will we receive the studio recordings and performance videos?

    These times vary, but we hope to get them to you within 2 months after Rock Camp ends for the summer. We’ll send them via email to the email address you used at registration!

Sign them up!

All you need to do is register here*. You can also call us at (260) 407-3833 or email us to learn more.

* Payment due at time of registration. Not valid with any other offer.