Sweetwater Rock Camp - Summer“s loudest kids“ music camp.

This summer, learn some real camp songs.

What is it?!
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01. What is it?!

Why just get out of the house when you can bring the house down?

  • Meet musicians and build a band.
  • Write and produce an original song.
  • Record in a professional studio.
  • Perform in a state-of-the-art venue.

Welcome to Sweetwater Rock Camp!

Sweetwater Rock Camp is a thrilling, five-day crash course in rock ’n’ roll for aspiring musicians ages 12 to 18.

Under the guidance of professional, performing musicians, you’ll form a band, write your own song together, and record it in Sweetwater’s world-class recording studios. Best of all, your band will end the week performing onstage in one of Sweetwater’s state-of-the-art performance venues.

But Rock Camp isn’t just about “diming the amps” and letting it rip. Rock Camp is an immersive opportunity that allows musicians to experience everything about being in a band. The concert at the end of the week is the highlight, but there is so much more — musicians learn how to write an original song, record in a state-of-the-art studio, and even help with the design of their own album cover.

Who’s this for?

02. Who can go?

Are you 12 to 18 years of age? Are you beyond the beginner stage of your musical career? Can you confidently tackle basic exercises and even play a song or two? Do you love music and want to meet other talented musicians your age? You’re in. Still not sure if you’re ready? Check here.

Free swag?

03.Free swag . . . ­say wut??!

We’re not kidding — Rock Camp T-shirts, a copy of your band’s finished song, lanyards, stickers, posters, and more! It’s all part of the Sweetwater Rock Camp experience.

Collared shirts required.
Co$t to rock?

04.What’s it co$t?


$415 Early Bird Special!
Register by February 28, 2025, and save*

A week of Sweetwater Rock Camp and all the cool stuff that comes with it is only $415 per person when you register by Feb 28, 2025!

When is it?

*Due at time of registration. Not valid with any other offer.

05.Where & When?

Sweetwater Rock Camp takes place Monday through Thursday, from 10AM to 4PM at the amazing Sweetwater campus in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Rock Camp performances happen on Friday (schedule varies), and the concert itself is free and open to the public!

  • Week 1: June 9–13
  • Week 2: June 16–20
  • Week 3: June 23–27
  • Week 4: July 7–11
  • Week 5: July 14–18
  • Week 6: July 21–25

Register Now!

Whaddya waiting for?!


Are you ready to rock?!

If you meet the requirements here, then all you need to do is register* to save your spot. You can also call us at (260) 407-3833 or email us to learn more.

* Payment due at time of registration. Not valid with any other offer.

Stuff parents
    care about.

More Info

Get ready to rock!